all publications
peer-reviewed journals conference contributions dissertations and book chapters invited talks datasets other
Authors | Title | Source | Year |
P. Goodarzi, J. Schauer, A. Schütze | Robust Distribution-Aware Ensemble Learning for Multi-Sensor Systems | Sensors 2025, 25(3), 831, doi: 10.3390/s25030831 | 2025 |
C. Odenwald, L. Niedner, R. Haberkorn, T. Sauerwald, O. Brieger, M. Nadig, G. Kickelbick | Continuous Microreactor-Based Synthesis of SnO2 Nanoparticles for Sensor Applications | ZAAC - Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, doi: 10.1002/zaac.202400145 | 2024 |
S. Klein, Y. Wilhelm, A. Schütze, T. Schneider | Combination of generic novelty detection and supervised classification pipelines for industrial condition monitoring | tm - Technisches Messen (2024) 91(9), 454-465, doi: 10.1515/teme-2024-0016, 2024 | 2024 |
G. Eggert, O. Brieger, M.S. Marschibois, D. Becker, C. Bur, K.F. Siebel, H. Grieb | Sustainable and Beneficial: Pollutant Absorption and Relative Humidity Control in Display Cases by Saturated Salt Solutions | Studies in Conservation, 1–9, doi: 10.1080/00393630.2024.2339727 | 2024 |
W. Reimringer, C. Bur | Promoting quality in low-cost gas sensor devices for real-world applications | Frontiers in Sensors, Sec. Sensor Devices, Vol. 4, 2023, doi:10.3389/fsens.2023.1317533 | 2023 |
C. Schnur, T. Dorst, K.S. Deshmukh, S. Zimmer, P. Litzenburger, T. Schneider, L. Margies, R. Müller, A. Schütze | PIA - A Concept for a Personal Information Assistant for Data Analysis and Machine Learning of Time-Continuous Data in Industrial Applications | ing.grid 1(2), doi: 10.48694/inggrid.3827 | 2023 |
D. Arendes, J. Amann, C. Tessier, O. Brieger, A. Schütze, C. Bur | Qualification and optimisation of a gas mixing apparatus for complex trace gas mixtures (Qualifizierung und Optimierung einer Gasmischanlage für komplexe Spurengasgemische) | tm - Technisches Messen (2023) 90(12), 822-834, doi: 10.1515/teme-2023-0075 | 2023 |
C. Schultealbert, T. Baur, T. Sauerwald, A. Schütze | Studying the effects of siloxane poisoning on a SnO2 metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor in temperature cycled operation enabling self-monitoring and self-compensation | tm - Technisches Messen (2023) 90(11), 691-702, doi: 10.1515/teme-2023-0065 | 2023 |
F. Louia, N. Michaelis, A. Schütze, S. Seelecke, P. Motzki | A unified approach to thermo-mechano-caloric-characterization of elastocaloric materials | Journal of Physics: Energy (2023) 5, 045014, doi: 10.1088/2515-7655/acfb39 | 2023 |
Y. Robin, J. Amann, T. Schneider, A. Schütze, C. Bur | Comparison of Transfer Learning and Established Calibration Transfer Methods for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors | Atmosphere 2023, 14(7), 1123, doi: 10.3390/atmos14071123 | 2023 |
Tanja Dorst, Maximilian Gruber, Anupam P. Vedurmudi, Daniel Hutzschenreuter, Sascha Eichstädt, Andreas Schütze | A case study on providing FAIR and metrologically traceable data sets | Acta IMEKO Vol. 12, No. 1 (2023), doi: 10.21014/actaimeko.v12i1.1401 | 2023 |
Klaus-Dieter Sommer, Michael Heizmann und Andreas Schütze | Measurement systems and sensors with cognitive features II (Messsysteme und Sensoren mit kognitiven Funktionen II) | Editorial, tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 90(3), doi: 10.1515/teme-2023-0004 | 2023 |
Tanja Dorst, Tizian Schneider, Sascha Eichstädt, and Andreas Schütze | Influence of measurement uncertainty on machine learning results demonstrated for a smart gas sensor | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 12, 45–60, 2023, doi: 10.5194/jsss-12-45-2023 | 2023 |
C. Schnur, S. Klein, A. Schütze, T. Schneider, A. Blum | Steigerung der Datenqualität in der Montage | WT Werkstattstechnik, 112 (2022) NR. 11-12, S. 783 - 787, doi: 10.37544/1436–4980–2022–11–12–57 | 2022 |
Christian Fuchs, Henrik Lensch, Oliver Brieger, Tobias Baur, Christian Bur and Andreas Schütze | Concept and realization of a modular and versatile platform for metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors | tm - Technisches Messen (2022) 89(12), 859-874, doi: 10.1515/teme-2022-0046 | 2022 |
Yannick Robin, Johannes Amann, Payman Goodarzi, Tizian Schneider, Andreas Schütze, Christian Bur | Deep Learning Based Calibration Time Reduction for MOS Gas Sensors with Transfer Learning | Atmosphere 2022, 13(10), 1614, doi: 10.3390/atmos13101614 | 2022 |
Tanja Dorst, Tizian Schneider, Sascha Eichstädt, Andreas Schütze | Uncertainty-aware automated machine learning toolbox (Automatisierte Toolbox für maschinelles Lernen unter Berücksichtigung von Messunsicherheiten) | tm - Technisches Messen (2023) 90(3), 141 - 153, doi: 10.1515/teme-2022-0042 | 2022 |
Tanja Dorst, Maximilian Gruber, Benedikt Seeger, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Tizian Schneider, Sascha Eichstädt, Andreas Schütze | Uncertainty-aware data pipeline of calibrated MEMS sensors used for machine learning | Measurement: Sensors, 22, 100376, doi: 10.1016/j.measen.2022.100376 | 2022 |
Anne Blum, Yannick Wilhelm, Steffen Klein, Christopher Schnur, Peter Reimann, Rainer Müller und Andreas Schütze | Ganzheitlicher Ablaufplan für wissensgetriebene Projekte des maschinellen Lernens in der Produktion (Holistic workflow for knowledge-driven machine learning projects in manufacturing) | tm - Technisches Messen, 89(5), 363-383, doi: 10.1515/teme-2022-0027 | 2022 |
Klaus-Dieter Sommer, Michael Heizmann und Andreas Schütze | Measurement systems and sensors with cognitive features (Messsysteme und Sensoren mit kognitiven Funktionen) | Editorial, tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 89(4), 211-213, doi: 10.1515/teme-2022-0036 | 2022 |
Payman Goodarzi, Andreas Schütze, and Tizian Schneider | Comparison of different ML methods concerning prediction quality, domain adaptation and robustness (Vergleich verschiedener ML-Methoden bezüglich Vorhersagequalität, Domänenanpassung und Robustheit) | tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 89(4), 224-239, doi: 10.1515/teme-2021-0129 | 2022 |
Sebastian Schorr, Dirk Bähre and Andreas Schütze | Assessment of quality predictions achieved with machine learning using established measurement process capability procedures in manufacturing (Bewertung von mit maschinellem Lernen erzielten Qualitätsprognosen durch die Anwendung von etablierten Verfahren zum Nachweis der Messprozessfähigkeit in der Fertigung) | tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 89(4), 240-252, doi: 10.1515/teme-2021-0125 | 2022 |
Andreas Schütze, Johannes Felix Amann, Tobias Baur, Caroline Schultealbert | Messung von VOCs in Innenräumen mit low-cost Sensorik und Vergleich mit analytischen Messungen | UMWELT UND GESUNDHEIT 01/2022, Sonderheft WaBoLu-Innenraumtage 2021, S. 9-23 | 2022 |
Christopher Schnur, Payman Goodarzi, Yevgeniya Lugovtsova, Jannis Bulling, Jens Prager, Kilian Tschöke, Jochen Moll, Andreas Schütze and Tizian Schneider | Towards Interpretable Machine Learning for Automated Damage Detection Based on Ultrasonic Guided Waves | Sensors 2022, 22(1) special issue Smart Sensors for Damage Detection, 406, doi: 10.3390/s22010406 | 2022 |
Yannick Robin, Johannes Amann, Tobias Baur, Payman Goodarzi, Caroline Schultealbert, Tizian Schneider and Andreas Schütze | High-Performance VOC Quantification for IAQ Monitoring Using Advanced Sensor Systems and Deep Learning | Atmosphere (2021) 12(11), 1487, DOI 10.3390/atmos12111487 | 2021 |
A. Blum, S. Klein, K. Kühn, T. Schneider, A. Schütze, R. Müller | Inprozess-Dichtheitsprüfung in der Montage | wt Werkstattstechnik online, 9-2021, S. 650, DOI 10.37544/1436-4980-2021-09-75 | 2021 |
Tanja Dorst, Yannick Robin, Sascha Eichstädt, Andreas Schütze, and Tizian Schneider | Influence of synchronization within a sensor network on machine learning results | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 10 (2021), pp. 233–245, doi: 10.5194/jsss-10-233-2021 | 2021 |
Tobias Baur, Johannes Amann, Caroline Schultealbert and Andreas Schütze | Field Study of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors in Temperature Cycled Operation for Selective VOC Monitoring in Indoor Air | Atmosphere (2021) 12, 647, DOI 10.3390/atmos12050647 | 2021 |
Sebastian Höfner, Michael Hirth, Jochen Kuhn, Benjamin Brück, Andreas Schütze | Calibration of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors by High School Students | International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) (2021) 17(4), 4-20, DOI 10.3991/ijoe.v17i04.19215 | 2021 |
Sebastian Höfner and Andreas Schütze | Air Quality Measurements and Education: Improving Environmental Awareness of High School Students | Frontiers in Sensors (2021), DOI 10.3389/fsens.2021.657920 | 2021 |
Caroline Schultealbert, Johannes Amann, Tobias Baur and Andreas Schütze | Measuring Hydrogen in Indoor Air with a Selective Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor | Atmosphere (2021) 12(3), 366, DOI 10.3390/atmos12030366 | 2021 |
Sebastian Höfner, Michael Hirth, Jochen Kuhn, Benjamin Brück, Andreas Schütze | Modeling of the Function Principle of Semiconductor Gas Sensors for High School Students | International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) (2021) 17(3), 5-25, DOI 10.3991/ijoe.v17i03.19213 | 2021 |
Tobias Baur, Manuel Bastuck, Caroline Schultealbert, Tilman Sauerwald, and Andreas Schütze | Random gas mixtures for efficient gas sensor calibration | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2020) 9, 411-424, DOI 10.5194/jsss-9-411-2020 | 2020 |
Marius Rodner, Adam Icardi, Margus Kodu, Raivo Jaaniso, Andreas Schütze and Jens Eriksson | Metal Oxide Nanolayer-Decorated Epitaxial Graphene: A Gas Sensor Study | Nanomaterials 2020, 10(11), 2168, doi: 10.3390/nano10112168 | 2020 |
Caroline Schultealbert, Tobias Baur, Tilman Sauerwald, Andreas Schütze | Erkennung und Kompensation von Vergiftung durch Siloxane auf Halbleitergassensoren im temperaturzyklischen Betrieb (Identification and compensation of siloxane poisoning in metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors in temperature cycled operation) | tm - Technisches Messen, 87(S1), S120–S125, doi: 10.1515/teme-2020-0041 | 2020 |
Caroline Schultealbert, Iklim Uzun, Tobias Baur, Tilman Sauerwald, and Andreas Schütze | Siloxane treatment of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors in temperature-cycled operation – sensitivity and selectivity | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2020) 9, 283-292, DOI 10.5194/jsss-9-283-2020 | 2020 |
Henrik Lensch, Joachim Doerr, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Selective high temperature humidity sensing using fast impedance spectroscopy on Titania sensors | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2020) 321, 128497, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2020.128497 | 2020 |
Andreas Schütze, Rainer Tutsch | 20. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019 | Editorial, tm - Technisches Messen 87(3), 143-145, doi: 10.1515/teme-2020-0005 | 2020 |
Nicolas Michaelis, Felix Welsch, Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Stefan Seelecke, Andreas Schütze | Novel Experimental Approach to Determine Elastocaloric Latent Heat | Shape Memory and Superelasticity 5, 352–361, doi: 10.1007/s40830-020-00265-3 | 2019 |
Caroline Schultealbert, Robin Diener, Johannes Amann, Tobias Baur, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Differential scanning calorimetry on micro hotplates for temperature calibration and mass quantification (Dynamische Differenzkalorimetrie auf Mikroheizern zur Temperaturkalibrierung und Massenquantifizierung) | tm - Technisches Messen, 87(3), 153–163, doi: 10.1515/teme-2019-0142 | 2019 |
Tizian Schneider, Steffen Klein, Andreas Schütze | Machine learning in industrial measurement technology for detection of known and unknown faults of equipment and sensors | tm - Technisches Messen (2019), 86 (11), 706–718, doi: 10.1515/teme-2019-0086 | 2019 |
Nicolas Michaelis, Felix Welsch, Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Stefan Seelecke and Andreas Schuetze | Resistance monitoring of shape memory material stabilization during elastocaloric training | Smart Materials and Structures 28(10), 105046, IOP Publishing, doi: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab3d62 | 2019 |
M. Rodner, M. Bastuck, A. Schütze, M. Andersson, J. Huotari, J. Puustinen, J. Lappalainen, and T. Sauerwald | Enabling a new method of dynamic field-effect gas sensor operation through lithium-doped tungsten oxide | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2019) 8, 261–267, doi: 10.5194/jsss-8-261-2019 | 2019 |
Henrik Lensch, Manuel Bastuck, Tobias Baur, Andreas Schütze, and Tilman Sauerwald | Impedance model for a high-temperature ceramic humidity sensor | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2019) 8, 161-169, doi: 10.5194/jsss-8-161-2019 | 2019 |
Marius Rodner, Donatella Puglisi, Sebastian Ekeroth, Ulf Helmersson, Ivan Shtepliuk, Rositsa Yakimova, Andreas Skallberg, Kajsa Uvdal, Andreas Schütze and Jens Eriksson | Graphene Decorated with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Highly Sensitive Interaction with Volatile Organic Compounds | Sensors 2019, 19(4), 918, doi:10.3390/s19040918 | 2019 |
Sargon Youssef, Cyril Zimmer, Klaus Szielasko, Andreas Schütze | Bewertung subjektiver und automatisierter Merkmalsextraktion periodischer Zeitsignale am Beispiel des 3MA-X8-Verfahrens | tm - Technisches Messen (2019), 86 (5), 267-277, doi:10.1515/teme-2018-0074 | 2019 |
Nicolas Michaelis, Felix Welsch, Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Marvin Schmidt, Stefan Seelecke, Andreas Schütze | Experimental Parameter Identification for Elastocaloric Air Cooling | International Journal of Refrigeration (2019) 100, 167-174 | 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.01.006 |
Manuel Bastuck, Tobias Baur, Andreas Schütze | DAV³E - a MATLAB toolbox for multivariate sensor data evaluation | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2018), 7, 489-506, DOI: 10.5194/jsss-7-489-2018 | 2018 |
T. Schneider, N. Helwig, A. Schütze | Industrial condition monitoring with smart sensors using automated feature extraction and selection | IOP Meas. Sci. Technol. (2018) 29 094002, doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aad1d4 | 2018 |
M. Bastuck, T. Baur, M. Richter, B. Mull, A. Schütze, T. Sauerwald | Comparison of ppb-level gas measurements with a metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensor in two independent laboratories | Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical (2018) 273, 1037-1046, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.06.097 | 2018 |
Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Felix Welsch, Nicolas Michaelis, André Wieczorek, Marvin Schmidt, Jan Frenzel, Gunter Eggeler, Andreas Schütze, Stefan Seelecke | NiTi-based elastocaloric cooling on the macroscale - from basic concepts to realization | Energy Technol. (2018) 6, 1567-1587, doi: 10.1002/ente.201800152 | 2018 |
Tobias Baur, Caroline Schultealbert, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Novel method for the detection of short trace gas pulses with metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2018) 7, 411-419, doi: 10.5194/jsss-7-411-2018 | 2018 |
Andreas Schütze, Nikolai Helwig, Tizian Schneider | Sensors 4.0 - smart sensors and measurement technology enable Industry 4.0 | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2018) 7, 359-371, doi: 10.5194/jsss-7-359-2018 | 2018 |
Tobias Baur, Caroline Schultealbert, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Device for the detection of short trace gas pulses (Messsystem zur Detektion von kurzen Spurengaspulsen) | tm - Technisches Messen (2018) 85(7-8), 496-503, doi: | 2018 |
Tilman Sauerwald, Tobias Baur, Martin Leidinger, Wolfhard Reimringer, Laurent Spinelle, Michel Gerboles, Gertjan Kok, Andreas Schütze | Highly sensitive benzene detection with metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors - an inter-laboratory comparison | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2018), 7, 235-243, doi: 10.5194/jsss-7-235-2018 | 2018 |
Caroline Schultealbert, Tobias Baur, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Facile Quantification and Identification Techniques for Reducing Gases over a Wide Concentration Range Using a MOS Sensor in Temperature-Cycled Operation | MDPI Sensors (2018) 18:744, doi: 10.3390/s18030744 | 2018 |
F. Welsch, J. Ullrich, H. Ossmer, M. Schmidt, M. Kohl, C. Chluba, E. Quandt, A. Schütze, S. Seelecke | Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of the elastocaloric cooling effect in sputter-deposited TiNiCuCo thin films | Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2018) 30:53-68, doi: 10.1007/s00161-017-0582-x | 2018 |
M. Leidinger, C. Schultealbert, J. Neu, A. Schütze, T. Sauerwald | Characterization and calibration of gas sensor systems at ppb level - a versatile test gas generation system | IOP Measurement Science and Technology 29 (2018), 015901 (10pp), doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa91da | 2018 |
B. Mull, T. Sauerwald, C. Schultealbert, W. Horn, D. Brödner, M. Richter | Reproducibly emitting reference materials for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds - using finite element modeling for emission predictions | Air Qual Atmos Health (2017) 10, 1237-1246, doi: 10.1007/s11869-017-0508-6 | 2017 |
Laurent Spinelle, Michel Gerboles, Gertjan Kok, Stefan Persijn, Tilman Sauerwald | Review of Portable and Low-Cost Sensors for the Ambient Air Monitoring of Benzene and Other Volatile Organic Compounds | MDPI Sensors 2017, 17(7), 1520, DOI 10.3390/s17071520, doi: 10.3390/s17071520 | 2017 |
Marco Schüler, Tizian Schneider, Tilman Sauerwald, Andreas Schütze | Impedance based detection of HMDSO poisoning in metal oxide gas sensors (Impedanzbasierte Detektion einer HMDSO-Vergiftung von Metalloxidgassensoren) | tm - Technisches Messen (2017), 84(11), 697-705, | 2017 |
Tizian Schneider, Nikolai Helwig, Andreas Schütze | Automatic feature extraction and selection for classification of cyclical time series data | tm - Technisches Messen (2017), 84(3), 198-206, doi: 10.1515/teme-2016-0072 | 2017 |
A. Schütze, T. Baur, M. Leidinger, W. Reimringer, R. Jung, T. Conrad, T. Sauerwald | Highly Sensitive and Selective VOC Sensor Systems Based on Semiconductor Gas Sensors: How to? | Environments 2017, 4, 20, DOI: 10.3390/environments4010020 | 2017 |
A Wieczorek, J Frenzel, M Schmidt, B Maaß, S Seelecke, A Schütze, G. Eggeler | Optimizing Ni-Ti-based shape memory alloys for ferroic cooling | Functional Materials Letters (2017) 10, 1740001, doi: 10.1142/S179360471740001X | 2017 |
Andreas Schütze, Nikolai Helwig | Sensorik und Messtechnik für die Industrie 4.0 - (Sensors, instrumentation and measurement science for "Industrie 4.0") | tm - Technisches Messen (2017), 83(4), 208-218, doi: 10.1515/teme-2016-0047 | 2017 |
C. Schultealbert, T. Baur, A. Schütze, S. Böttcher, T. Sauerwald | A novel approach towards calibrated measurement of trace gases using metal oxide semiconductor sensors | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2017), 239, pp 390-396, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.08.002 | 2017 |
J. Huotari, V. Kekkonen, T. Haapalainen, M. Leidinger, T. Sauerwald, J. Puustinen, J. Liimatainen, J. Lappalainen | Pulsed laser deposition of metal oxide nanostructures for highly sensitive gas sensor applications | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2016), 236, 978-978 | , doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.04.0602016 |
M. Bastuck, D. Puglisi, J. Huotari, T. Sauerwald, J. Lappalainen, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Andersson, A. Schütze | Exploring the selectivity of WO3 with iridium catalyst in an ethanol/naphthalene mixture using multivariate statistics | Thin Solid Films (2016), Vol. 618, Part B, 263-270, doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2016.08.002 | 2016 |
Marvin Schmidt, Andreas Schütze, Stefan Seelecke | Elastocaloric cooling processes: The influence of material strain and strain rate on efficiency and temperature span | APL Mater. 4, 064107 (2016) | 2016 |
Marvin Schmidt, Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Stefan Seelecke, Andreas Schütze | Elastocaloric cooling: From fundamental thermodynamics to solid state air conditioning | Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Vol. 22, Iss. 5, 2016. | 2016 |
Marvin Schmidt, Johannes Ullrich, André Wieczorek, Jan Frenzel, Gunther Eggeler, Andreas Schütze, Stefan Seelecke | Experimental Methods for Investigation of Shape Memory Based Elastocaloric Cooling Processes and Model Validation | Journal of Visualized Experiments (111), e53626 (2016), doi: 10.3791/53626 | 2016 |
Donatella Puglisi, Jens Eriksson, Mike Andersson, Joni Huotari, Manuel Bastuck, Christian Bur, Jyrki Lappalainen, Andreas Schuetze, Anita Lloyd Spetz | Exploring the Gas Sensing Performance of Catalytic Metal/Metal Oxide 4H-SiC Field Effect Transistors | Materials Science Forum (2016), 858, pp. 997-1000, doi: 10.4028/ | 2016 |
Martin Leidinger, Max Rieger, Tilman Sauerwald, Christine Alépée, Andreas Schütze | Integrated pre-concentrator gas sensor microsystem for ppb level benzene detection | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2016), 236, pp. 988-996, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.04.064 | 2016 |
Martin Leidinger, Joni Huotari, Tilman Sauerwald, Jyrki Lappalainen, Andreas Schütze | Selective detection of naphthalene with nanostructured WO3 gas sensors prepared by pulsed laser deposition | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2016), 5, 147-156, doi: 10.5194/jsss-5-147-2016 | 2016 |
Marvin Schmidt, Andreas Schütze, Stefan Seelecke | Experimentelle Untersuchung elastokalorischer Kühlprozesse - (Experimental investigation of elastocaloric cooling processes) | tm - Technisches Messen (2016), 83(4), 208-218, doi: 10.1515/teme-2015-0110 | 2016 |
Oriol Monereo, Sergio Illera, Aida Varea, Marvin Schmidt, Tilman Sauerwald, Andreas Schütze, Albert Cirera, J. Daniel Prades | Localized self-heating in large arrays of 1D nanostructures | Nanoscale (2016), 8, 5082-5088, doi: 10.1039/C5NR07158E | 2016 |
Bastian Schmitt, Andreas Schütze | Modelling and characterization of a multiparameter hot disk sensor for determination of fluid mixture ratios | Sensors & Actuators A (Physical) 235, 2015, pp. 210-217 | 2015 |
Marco Schüler, Tilman Sauerwald, Andreas Schütze | A novel approach for detecting HMDSO poisoning of metal oxide gas sensors and improving their stability by temperature cycled operation | Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 4, 2015, pp. 305-311 | 2015 |
Stefanie Jaeger, Burkhard Maaß, Jan Frenzel, Marvin Schmidt, Johannes Ullrich, Stefan Seelecke, Andreas Schütze, Oliver Kastner, Gunther Eggeler | On the widths of the hysteresis of mechanically and thermally induced martensitic transformations | Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.) 106 (2015), pp. 1 - 11 | 2015 |
Marcel Bouvet, Pierre Gaudillat, Abhishek Kumar, Tilman Sauerwald, Marco Schüler, Andreas Schütze, Jean-Moïse Suisse | Revisiting the electronic properties of Molecular Semiconductor - Doped Insulator (MSDI) heterojunctions through impedance and chemosensing studies | Organic Electronics 26, 2015, pp. 345-354 | 2015 |
M. Schmidt, J. Ullrich, A. Wieczorek, J. Frenzel, G. Eggeler, A. Schütze, S. Seelecke | Experimental Methods for Investigation of Shape Memory Based Elastocaloric Cooling Processes and Model Validation | Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (111), e53626 | 2015 |
Marvin Schmidt, Johannes Ullrich, André Wieczorek, Jan Frenzel, Andreas Schütze, Gunther Eggeler, Stefan Seelecke | Thermal Stabilization of NiTiCuV Shape Memory Alloys: Observations During Elastocaloric Training | Shap. Mem. Superelasticity, 1 (2015), pp. 132-141, published online, 20 June 2015 | 2015 |
B. Schmitt, C. Kiefer, A. Schütze | Novel microthermal sensor principle for determining the mixture ratio of binary fluid mixtures using Föppl vortices | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 4 (2015), pp. 239-247 | 2015 |
Jörg Hennemann, Claus-Dieter Kohl, Bernd M. Smarsly, Tilman Sauerwald, Jean-Mathieu Teissier, Stefanie Russ,Thorsten Wagner | CuO thin films for the detection of H2S doses: Investigation and application | Phys. Status Solidi A (2015) 212: 1281-1288. doi: 10.1002/pssa.201431735 | 2015 |
Maziar Afshar, Elisabeth Preiss, Tilman Sauerwald, Marius Rodner, Dara Feili, Martin Straub, Karsten König, Andreas Schütze, Helmut Seidel | Indium-Tin-Oxide Single-Nanowire Gas Sensor Fabricated Via Laser Writing and Subsequent Etching | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 215 (2015), pp. 525-535, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.03.067 | 2015 |
Tobias Baur, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Optimierung des temperaturzyklischen Betriebs von Halbleitergassensoren | tm - Technisches Messen (2015), 82 (4), 187-195, doi: 10.1515/teme-2014-0007 | 2015 |
Manuel Bastuck, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | A new approach to self-monitoring of amperometric oxygen sensors | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 214 (2015) 218-224, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.02.116 | 2015 |
Christian Bur, Manuel Bastuck, Donatella Puglisi, Andreas Schütze, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Mike Andersson | Discrimination and quantification of volatile organic compounds in the ppb-range with gas sensitive SiC-FETs using multivariate statistics | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 214 (2015) 225-233, doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.03.016 | 2015 |
Marvin Schmidt, Andreas Schütze, Stefan Seelecke | Scientific Test Setup for Investigation of Shape Memory Alloy based Elastocaloric Cooling Processes | International Journal of Refrigeration, 54 (2015), pp. 88-97 | 2015 |
D. Puglisi, J. Eriksson, C. Bur, A. Schuetze, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Andersson | Catalytic metal-gate field effect transistors based on SiC for indoor air quality control | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 4 (2015), pp. 1-8 | 2015 |
B. Schmitt, C. Kiefer, A. Schütze | Intelligente Mikrosensoren zur breitbandigen Charakterisierung von Flüssigkeiten | PLUS - Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen, Fachzeitschrift für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik, 16 (Dezember 2014), pp. 2645-2650, ISSN 1436-7505 | 2014 |
C. Bur, M. Bastuck, A. Schütze, J. Juuti, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Andersson | Characterization of ash particles with a microheater and gas-sensitive SiC field-effect transistors | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 3 (2014), pp. 305-313 | 2014 |
Z. Darmastuti, C. Bur, N. Lindqvist, M. Andersson, A. Schütze, A. Lloyd Spetz | Hierarchical methods to improve the performance of the SiC-FET as SO2 sensors in flue gas desulphurization systems | Sensors and Actuators B 206 (2015) 609-616 | 2014 |
M. Leidinger, T. Sauerwald, W. Reimringer, G. Ventura, and A. Schütze | Selective detection of hazardous VOCs for indoor air quality applications using a virtual gas sensor array | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 3 (2014), pp. 253-263 | 2014 |
M. Schüler, T. Sauerwald, A. Schütze | Metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor self-test using Fourier-based impedance spectroscopy | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 3 (2014), pp. 213-221 | 2014 |
T. Bley, E. Pignanelli, A. Schütze | Multi-channel IR sensor system for determination of oil degradation | J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 3 (2014), pp. 121-132 | 2014 |
C. Bur, M. Andersson, A. Lloyd Spetz, A. Schütze | Detecting Volatile Organic Compounds in the ppb Range with Gas Sensitive Platinum gate SiC-Field Effect Transistors | IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (9), pp. 3221 - 3228 (2014) | 2014 |
Nikolai Helwig, Marco Schüler, Christian Bur, Andreas Schütze, Tilman Sauerwald | Gas mixing apparatus for automated gas sensor characterization | Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 055903 (9pp) | 2014 |
M. Bastuck, C. Bur, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Andersson, A. Schütze | Gas identification based on bias induced hysteresis of a gas-sensitive SiC field effect transistor | Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 3 (2014), pp. 9-19 | 2014 |
C. Bur, M. Bastuck, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Andersson, A. Schütze | Selectivity Enhancement of SiC-FET Gas Sensors by Combining Temperature and Gate Bias Cycled Operation Using Multivariate Statistics | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 193 (2014), pp. 931-940 | 2014 |
Z. Darmastuti, C. Bur, P. Möller, R. Rahlin, N. Lindqvist, M. Andersson, A. Schütze, A. Lloyd Spetz | SiC - FET Based SO2 Sensor For Power Plant Emission Applications | Sensors and Actuators B 194 (2014) 511- 520 | 2014 |
R. Lerch, R. Werthschützky, G. Gerlach, E. Wagner, A. Schütze (Hrsg.) | tm - Technisches Messen 12/2013: Schwerpunktthema AMA-Kongresse SENSOR, OPTO, IRS2 | tm - Technisches Messen 80 (2013) 12, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag | 2013 |
B. Schmitt, C. Kiefer, A. Schütze | Microthermal sensors for determining fluid composition and flow rate in fluidic systems | Microsystem Technologies 20 4 (2014), pp. 641-652 | 2013 |
R. Sallier, M. Müller, H. Nagel, B. Brück, A. Schütze | A Versatile Experimentation Platform to Support Education in Mechatronics and Natural Sciences | Scientific Journal of Education Technology (SJET), Vol. 3 Iss. 9 (2013) 133-146 | 2013 |
Julia Dräger, Stefanie Russ, Tilman Sauerwald, Claus-Dieter Kohl, Armin Bunde | Percolation transition in the gas-induced conductance of nanograin metal oxide films with defects | J. Appl. Phys. 113, 223701 (2013) | 2013 |
M. Stahl-Offergeld, R. Ernst, H.-P. Hohe, A. Schütze | Process-Independent Integrated Sensitivity Calibration of 3D Hall Sensors | Sensor Letters, Volume 11, Number 1 (2013), pp. 84-86 | 2013 |
Sebastian Paczkowski, Marta Paczkowska, Stefan Dippel, Norman Schulze, Stefan Schütz, Tilman Sauerwald, Alexander Weiß, Marco Bauer, Jörg Gottschald, Claus-Dieter Kohl | The olfaction of a fire beetle leads to new concepts for early fire warning systems | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | 2013 |
K. Kühn, E. Pignanelli, A. Schütze | Versatile Gas Detection System Based on Combined NDIR Transmission and Photoacoustic Absorption Measurements | IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13 Iss: 3, pp. 934 - 940 | 2013 |
A. Lloyd Spetz, J. Huotari, C. Bur, R. Bjorklund, J. Lappalainen, H. Jantunen, A. Schütze, M. Andersson | Chemical Sensor Systems for Emission control from Combustions | Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013), pp. 184 - 190 | 2013 |
Wehrenfennig, C., Schott, M., Gasch, T., Sauerwald, T., Düring, R.-A., Vilcinskas, A., Kohl, C.-D. | Laboratory characterization of metal-oxide sensors intended for in situ analyses of pheromones - SOMMSA approach | Phys. Status Solidi A, 209: 935-939. | 2012 |
Hennemann, J., Sauerwald, T., Kohl, C.-D., Wagner, T., Bognitzki, M., Greiner, A. | Electrospun copper oxide nanofibers for H2S dosimetry | Phys. Status Solidi A, 209: 911-916. | 2012 |
Matthias Pelkner, Andreas Neubauer, Verena Reimund, Marc Kreutzbruck, Andreas Schütze | Routes for GMR-Sensor Design in Non-Destructive Testing | Sensors 2012, 12(9), 12169-12183 | 2012 |
C. Bur, P. Reimann, M. Andersson, A. Schütze, A.L. Spetz | Increasing the Selectivity of Pt-Gate SiC Field Effect Gas Sensors by Dynamic Temperature Modulation | IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 12, Iss. 6, pp: 1906 - 1913 | 2012 |
Christian Bur, Peter Reimann, Mike Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Andreas Schütze | New method for selectivity enhancement of SiC field effect gas sensors for quantification of NOx | Microsystem Technologies: Vol. 18, Iss. 7 (2012), pp. 1015-1025 | 2012 |
Peter Reimann, Andreas Schütze | Fire detection in coal mines based on semiconductor gas sensors | Sensor Review, Vol. 32 Iss: 1, pp.47 - 58 | 2012 |
P. Reimann, M. Schüler, S. Darsch, T. Gillen, A. Schütze | Hardware concept and feature extraction for low-cost impedance spectroscopy for semiconductor gas sensors | Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy, Vol. 2, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, ISBN 978-0-415-69832-2 (Hardcover) / 978-0-203-13772-7 (eBook) | 2012 |
Christian Krutzler, Alexander Unger, Harald Marhold, Thomas Fricke, Thorsten Conrad, Andreas Schütze | Influence of MOS Gas-Sensor Production Tolerances on Pattern Recognition Techniques in Electronic Noses | IEEE Trans Instr. & Meas., Vol. 61, No. 1 (2012), pp. 276- 283 | 2012 |
Torsten Bley | Sensore IR multicanale per il monitoraggio dei fluidi | Oleodinamica Pneumatica, Novembre 2011, 28-34. | 2011 |
Thorsten Wagner, Sören Krotzky, Alexander Weiß, Tilman Sauerwald, Claus-Dieter Kohl, Jan Roggenbuck, Michael Tiemann | Capacitive Humidity Sensor for High Temperature Based on Mesoporous Silica | Sensors 2011, 11(3), 3135-3144 | 2011 |
Thorsten Wagner, Marco Bauer, Tilman Sauerwald, Claus-Dieter Kohl, Michael Tiemann | X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy investigation of the oxidation state of Pd species in nanoporous SnO2 gas sensors for methane detection | Thin Solid Films 502 (3), p. 909-912, (2011) | 2011 |
René Sallier, Katja Beckhäuser, Benjamin Brück, Andreas Schütze | Improved Cooperation between Schools and Science Labs by Adapting Experiments to the Curriculum | International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE, ISSN: 1861-2121), Vol 7, No 2 (2011), pp. 40-47. | 2011 |
R. Sallier, R. Mißler, B. Brück, A. Schütze | VenDASys - A Versatile Experimentation Platform for Educational Purposes | iJOE 3/10, International Journal of Online Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 3, August 2010, pp. 43-49. | 2010 |
Markus Lösch, Marc Baumbach and Andreas Schütze | Ozone detection in the ppb-range with improved stability and reduced cross sensitivity | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 130, Issue 1, Pages 367-373. (Proceedings of the Eleventh International Meeting on Chemical Sensors IMCS-11 - IMCS 2006, IMCS 11, Brescia, Italy, 16-19 July 2006, Edited by Pietro Siciliano and Angiola Forleo). | 2008 |
Thorsten Conrad, Andreas Schütze | A contribution for increasing the interest of high-school students for MEMS technology, engineering, and physics | Measurement 40 (2007), p. 224-232 | 2007 |
Fei Cheng, Stephen M. Kelly, Stephen Clark, John S. Bradley, Marc Baumbach, Andreas Schütze | Preparation and characterization of a supported Si3N4 membrane via a non-aqueous sol-gel process | Journal of Membrane Science 280 (2006), p. 530-535 | 2006 |
K. Iswandy, A. König, T. Fricke, M. Baumbach, A. Schütze | Towards Automated Configuration of Multi-Sensor Systems Using Evolutionary Computation - A Method and a Case Study. | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 2, No.4 (December 2005), American Scientific Publishers, pp. 574-582, 2005. | 2005 |
A. Schütze, A. Gramm, T. Rühl | Identification of Organic Solvents by a Virtual Multisensor System with Hierarchical Classification | IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 4, No. 6, 2004, pp. 857-863 | 2004 |
A. Schütze | Gas sensors for fire detection: Basic principles and considerations for multi-sensor systems | The EUSAS Journal, No. 1, Aug. 2004. | 2004 |
Z. Ankara, T. Kammerer, A. Gramm, A. Schütze | Low power virtual sensor array based on a micromachined gas sensor for fast discrimination between H2, CO and relative humidity | Sensors & Actuators B 100 (2004) pp. 240-245 | 2004 |
A. Gramm, A. Schütze | High performance solvent vapor identification with a two sensor array using temperature cycling and pattern classification | Sensors & Actuators B 95 (2003), pp. 58-65 | 2003 |
A. Schütze, L.-G. John | Nano Sensors and Micro Integration | mstnews No. 3/03, June 2003, pp. 43-45. | 2003 |
A. Schütze | Optische Mikrosysteme für den Umweltschutz | Laser & Optoelectronic 30 (1998) 33 - 35. | 1998 |
V. Uwira, A. Schütze, D. Kohl | Detection of low hydrogen concentrations by a Cu-Pc sensor | Sensors & Actuators B 26 -27 (1995) 153 - 157. presented at: Eurosensors VIII, 25.-28.9.1994, Toulouse, Frankreich. | 1995 |
A. Schütze, N. Pieper, J. Zacheja | Quantitative ozone measurement using a Pc thin film sensor and dynamic signal evaluation | Sensors & Actuators B 23 (1995) 215 - 218. presented at: International Workshop "New Developments in Semiconducting Gas Sensors", 13. - 14. September 1993, Castro Marina, Italien. | 1995 |
A. Schütze, U. Weber, J. Zacheja, D. Kohl, W. Mokwa, M. Rospert, J. Werno | A new microstructured silicon substrate for ultrathin gas-sensitive films | Sensors and Actuators A 37 - 38 (1993) 751 - 755. presented at: Eurosensors VI, 5. - 7. Oktober 1992, San Sebastian, Spanien. | 1993 |
P. Kaul, A. Schütze, D. Kohl, A. Brauers, M. Weyers | Surface chemistry of new As precursors for MOVPE and MOMBE: Phenylarsine and Tertiarybutylarsine on GaAs(100) | Journal of Crystal Growth 123 (1992) 411 - 422. | 1992 |
A. Schütze, U. Weber, J. Zacheja, D. Kohl, W. Mokwa, M. Rospert, J. Werno | In-plane interdigitated (IPID) electrodes for thin film applications | Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 346 1 - 3 (1993) 380 - 382. presented at: 7. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, 22. - 25. Juni 1992, Jülich. | 1993 |
J. Zacheja, A. Schütze, A. Brauers, D. Kohl | An SnO2 sintered layer for Phenylarsine detection | Thin Solid Films 195 (1991) 349 - 356. | 1991 |
J. Zacheja, A. Schütze, D. Kohl, A. Brauers | Fast detection of Phenylarsine, a comparison of sputtered and sintered SnO2 films | Sensors and Actuators B 4 (1991) 355 - 358. | 1991 |
A. Schütze, J. Zacheja, M. Weyers, D. Kohl | Surface chemistry of a new III-IV MOCVD reactant: PhAsH2 on GaAs(100) | Journal of Crystal Growth 107 (1991) 1036 - 1037. presented at Internationalen Konferenz IC-MOVPE-5, 18. - 22. Juni 1990, Aachen | 1990 |
J. Zacheja, A. Schütze, A. Brauers, D. Kohl | Detection of Phenylarsine in air | Journal of Crystal Growth 107 (1991) 314 - 318. presented at: Internationalen Konferenz IC-MOVPE-5, 18. - 22. Juni 1990, Aachen | 1990 |