The study "Roadmap Towards European Leadership in Sensor Systems" elaborated by the European Sensor Systems Cluster (ESSC) is published.
This Survey by the European Sensor Systems Cluster (ESSC) of hot-topics related to Sensor Systems is a contribution to define PRIORITIES of a Roadmap for the European Commission (primarily DG Research & Innovation - Directorate Key Enabling Technologies - Unit Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies, but also other units) useful to select topics for future H2020 Calls (2018-2020).
Requirements analysis of the European Industry (small medium enterprises, large companies) has been executed by the ESSC Steering Committee with support of the ESSC members by interviews (questionnaires, email, phone, telco, webpages, meetings, networking, etc.) in the period 2015 - 2016.
The Survey has been organized addressing two types of Topics: Specific Topics at High Priority for each surveyed industrial sector and Horizontal Topics of interest for several sectors with large industrial relevance and high socio-economic impact.
The ESSC key technological areas include:
Our EU project SENSIndoor will present results at its final meeting in Saarbrücken, Germany, on November 15/16, 2016.
The project’s end in December 2016 in sight, the SENSIndoor consortium will meet a last time in Saarbrücken. Partners will present the project achievements but a major point on the agenda will also be the exploitation and market opportunities for the technology developed within SENSIndoor.
The consortium is looking forward to share project results with the interested public, who is invited to join the meeting for a public session on 15 November, 14:00-18:00, and 16 November, 09:00-13:00. If you are interested in participating, you can find the draft agenda and register per e-mail here.
Our project SENSIndoor addresses the complete technology chain from material innovation and novel system integration to accurate and reliable sensor systems and advanced on-site calibration solutions. Further information can be found on the project website.
Our EU project SENSIndoor will present results at EUROSENSORS XXX, the 30th European conference on sensors, actuators, micro- and nanosystems, Budapest, Hungary, September 4-7, 2016.
SENSIndoor will present results in a special session on Wednesday, September 7, entitled
Nanotechnology-based multi-sensor systems for Indoor Air Quality –
Real time monitoring for improved health, comfort and energy efficiency
Our project SENSIndoor addresses the complete technology chain from material innovation and novel system integration to accurate and reliable sensor systems and advanced on-site calibration solutions. Further information can be found on the project website.
The special session is organized as part of the extensive dissemination activities of the project to present an overview of the exciting results achieved. The aim of the session is to increase the awareness of novel low-cost sensor solutions for indoor air quality and the importance of IAQ for good health, but also to link the project partners with research institutins and companies interested in applying the SENSIndoor technologies in other fields of application.
SENSIndoor is looking forward to meeting you in Budapest and discussing your target applications and requirements with you.
Die 2. Fluidtechnik-Tagung „Smart Fluid Power Systems“ findet am 11. Oktober 2016 am ZeMA - Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik statt.
UPDATE: Die Tagung ist ausgebucht, eine Anmeldung nicht mehr möglich.
Das Motto der Tagung „Smart Fluid Power Systems“ umschreibt den Trend hin zu intelligenteren Komponenten und Systemen in Hydraulik und Pneumatik. Ziele sind einerseits eine verbesserte Funktion und erhöhte Zuverlässigkeit, aber auch eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung bzw. Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs. Dabei werden sowohl einzelne Komponenten wie Sensoren und Aktoren, vor allem aber das System insgesamt unter dem Aspekt der Digitalisierung („Industrie 4.0“) betrachtet.
Experten aus Industrie und Forschung diskutieren den aktuellen Stand der Technik, die vordringlichen Herausforderungen aus der Sicht von Herstellern und Anwendern sowie neueste Lösungsansätze aus der Forschung. Die Tagung deckt ein breites Spektrum ab:
Das Programm wird abgerundet durch eine Fachausstellung mit Demonstratoren und die Diskussion aktueller Themen aus Forschung und Entwicklung, auch im Hinblick auf die Etablierung eines Clusters mit Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen im Bereich Smart Fluid Power Systems. Es referieren Experten der Technischen Universität Dresden und des Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, der Firmen Festo, Bosch Rexroth, KSB, ETO MAGNETIC, InnoMa System und HYDAC sowie des ZeMA über aktuelle Anforderungen und Praxiserfahrungen sowie neueste Lösungen.
Das Programm und den Veranstaltungsflyer finden Sie hier.
Our EU project SENSIndoor will present results at INDOOR AIR 2016, the worlds leading conference on all aspects concerning indoor air quality and climate, Ghent, Belgium, July 3-8, 2016 10-12, 2016.
SENSIndoor will present results in a special session on Thursday, July 7, entitled
Changing the game in the management of Indoor Air Quality –
Real time monitoring for improved health, comfort and energy efficiency
Our project SENSIndoor addresses the complete technology chain from material innovation and novel system integration to accurate and reliable sensor systems and advanced on-site calibration solutions. Further information can be found on the project website.
The special session is organized jointly with another EU project also addressing novel sensor solutions for Indoor Air Quality. Like SENSIndoor, IAQSense is an EU-funded project consortium consisting of various public research institutions and industrial partners with the aim to develop new nanotechnology based sensor systems that will allow monitoring Indoor Air Quality at low cost.
The aim of the jointly organized session is to increase the awareness of novel low-cost sensor solutions for indoor air quality and the importance of the latter for good health.
INDOOR AIR 2016 is the flagship conference of ISIAQ, the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.
SENSIndoor is looking forward to meeting you in Ghent and discussing your target applications and requirements with you.